Simply add your chosen exam to your basket and complete your order at the checkout. We will then send you a confirmation email, confirming your examination request. Then shortly after this we will contact you to complete the neccessary information for your exam registration. This may include:
- Additional personal details
- Passport Photo
- Selecting from optional modules
- Choice of examination dates
- Choice of examination location
Dependending on which exam you are taking.
Once you've received and returned our requests for further information regarding your specific assessment(s) we will then process your registration with the NPTC. Once we have successfully registered you with the NPTC we will allocate you an assessor who will contact you to arrange the date and location to undertake your assessment.
Candidate are responsible for the Assessment site either at their place of work or at a training centre and they are also responsible for any animals/equipment and for ensuring that it is legal and complies with current safety legislation.
Additionally, we aim to give you all the necessary information on each specific assessment page. However, we appreciate it can all get a little confusing and should you feel this is the case, please don't hesitate to contact us, either by emailing or telephoning 01934 86 22 88.
Avalon Assessments Ltd have 2 cancellation policies, one is at the point of registration, the other is at the assessment stage.
Once payment for an assessment is completed Avalon Assessments Ltd will contact candidate/group of candidates for additional information before processing their registeration with the with NPTC. Once NPTC registration is completed it is then valid for 2 - 3 years. However, should a candidate/group of candidates wish to cancel their registration with the NPTC, they will have only 5 calendar days to do so, from the point of registration on the NPTC website, which will be provided to the candidate/group after booking an assessment online or over the phone. Cancellations after 5 calendar days may incur a administration charge up to the value of the assessment.
Once a candidate/group of candidates has been registered with the NPTC the assessment is then considered to be officially booked. Once a booking is considered to be officially booked, Avalon Assessments will then arrange a date with the candidate (or group in the case of group bookings) and their assesor. Should the candidate or group of candidates then wish to cancel the assessment, they will need to contact Avalon Assessments Ltd atleast 2 working days before the assessment is due to take place or the candidate/group will forfeit the assessment fee. Candidates will also forfeit the assessment fee should they not turn up to an assessment.
In addition, we will always do our best to accommodate the candidate/group being assessed and provided we are given atleast 2 working days notice we will do our best to reschedule bookings without the candidate/group incurring any additional cost or forfeiting their assessment fee.
In the event of cancelling, rescheduling or should you have any questions, please contact Avalon Assesments Ltd, either by phoning us on 01934 862288 or email us at
1. Every step will be taken to ensure that individuals are treated equally and fairly
2. Reasonable steps will be taken to ensure people with disabilities have access to an award’s assessment procedure.
3. An award’s assessment procedure will be the same for all candidates.
4. Staff recruitment, selection, training and promotion are based solely on objective criteria.
It is the policy of Avalon Assessments Ltd. to comply with the terms of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and subsequent legislation. It will provide and maintain a healthy and safe working environment. Avalon Assessments Ltd. health and safety objective is to minimise the number of occupational incident and illnesses and ultimately to achieve a safe working environment.
All employees will be provided with such information, training and supervision as is necessary to implement the policy and achieve the stated objective.
Avalon Assessments Ltd. recognises and accepts its duty to protect the health and safety of all visitors to the organisation, including contractors and temporary workers, as well as any members of the public who might be affected by its operations.
While the Members of Avalon Assessments Ltd. will do all that is within their powers to ensure the health and safety of its employees, it is recognised that health and safety at work is the responsibility of each and every individual associated with the organisation. It is the duty of each employee to take reasonable care of their own and other people’s welfare and to report to the secretary any situation which may pose a threat to the well being of any person.
All injuries, however small, sustained by an assessor or candidate, must be recorded and reported to the Secretary.
Avalon Assessments Ltd. Health and Safety policy will be monitored and updated, particularly when changes in the scale and nature of its operation occurs.
The Secretary (Marshall Clements) has overall responsibility for the administration of Avalon’s Health and Safety procedures. He must report to the board Chairman any dangerous occurrences or breaches of the Avalon Assessments Ltd Health and Safety procedures.
The Qualifications and Awards assessed through Avalon Assessments Ltd, may be accessed by candidates from 16 years of age. Avalon Assessments Ltd wishes to ensure that it complies both with the law and with good practice regarding child and vulnerable adult protection. Avalon Assessments Ltd will therefore be pursuing the following policies:
1. To require all personnel involved in duties for Avalon Assessments Ltd to implement and maintain appropriate Child Protection and Vulnerable Adult Policies.
2. To operate in accordance with and pursue the following key principles:-
2.1 the welfare of the child or adult is the paramount consideration
2.2 every child or adult has the right to protection from harm and abuse
2.3 ensure compliance with the Child Protection Act 1999 and successor legislation.
3. Avalon Assessments Ltd will monitor the implementation and operation of such policies, both for new and existing Assessors and provide such guidance as may be necessary.
4. Avalon Assessments Ltd. will include awareness of child and adult protection issues and responsibilities in the training and updating of all personnel who are in direct contact with the candidates.
5. Avalon Assessments Ltd. only uses Assessors on the Awarding Body approved lists. The Awarding body includes Child /Vulnerable Adult issues in its training and updating events and has included CRB vetting for all new assessors since 2006.
1. All complaints or appeals must be in writing and received by the Secretary, within 14 days of the assessment or incident.
2. The Secretary will acknowledge the complaint or appeal in writing and contact either the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of Avalon Assessments Limited to inform them that a complaint has been received.
3. In the case of an appeal against an assessment decision, the Secretary will contact the Assessor and/or the organiser of the assessment, informing them of the appeal and asking them for a report within 5 working days.
4. In the case of a complaint the Secretary will contact all involved persons informing them of the complaint and asking them to send him a report within 5 working days.
5. When in possession of the reports the Secretary will discus the issues with the Chairman and plan a way of amicably resolving the situation. If the above is not successful the Secretary will organise an appeal or complaint panel, consisting of the Chairman and no more than two committee members. If an appeal panel is formed then one member should be an Assessor. The Secretary will be in attendance to take notes etc. but will not be a panel member.
6. The panel should meet within 14 working days after the Secretary has contacted the appellant or complainant. The Secretary will notify the appellant or complainant of the time, date and venue and say they are free to have another person present.
7. Once the panel has sat and considered the appeal or complaint, its decision, if not given immediately, must be given in writing, within one week of the date that the panel sat. The panel’s decision is final.